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Zathras Quotes: Wisdom from the Beloved Babylon 5 Character

Zathras is a character from the science fiction television series Babylon 5. Although he only appeared in a few episodes, Zathras quickly became a fan favorite due to his unique personality and memorable quotes. Zathras is a humanoid of unknown origin who took care of the Great Machine on Epsilon III. His brothers, including Zathras, were all named Zathras, but with minute differences in pronunciation.

Zathras’ quotes are known for their humor, insight, and philosophical depth. Many of his quotes have become iconic in the science fiction community and are often referenced in pop culture. Some of Zathras’ most famous quotes include “Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other people’s needs. Very sad life. Probably have… very sad death. But… at least there is Symmetry” and “The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace, a self-contained world five miles long located in neutral territory, a place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter of a million humans and aliens, a shining beacon in space, all alone in the night. It was the dawn of the third age of mankind, the year the great war came upon us all.”

Zathras and Babylon 5

Who is Zathras?

Zathras is a character from the science fiction television series Babylon 5. He is a humanoid of unknown origin who takes care of the Great Machine on Epsilon III. Zathras is a quirky, enigmatic character who speaks in a strange, halting manner. He is often seen wearing a hooded robe and carrying a tool kit.

Zathras is known for his memorable quotes, which often contain a mix of humor and wisdom. He is a fan favorite and has become an iconic figure in the Babylon 5 universe.

Babylon 5 Overview

Babylon 5 is a science fiction television series that aired from 1993 to 1998. The show was created by J. Michael Straczynski and is set in the 23rd century. The story takes place on a space station called Babylon 5, which is located in neutral territory and serves as a hub for interstellar diplomacy and commerce.

The show follows the lives of the people who live and work on Babylon 5, including the station’s commanders, Captain John Sheridan and Commander Susan Ivanova. Other notable characters include Draal, Kosh, Ambassador Delenn, G’Kar, and Londo.

The show’s plot is driven by a number of overarching storylines, including the conflict between the Earth Alliance and the Minbari Federation, the rise of the Shadows, and the discovery of a mysterious alien artifact known as the Chrysalis.

Zathras and Babylon 5

Zathras is a recurring character on Babylon 5, appearing in a number of episodes throughout the show’s run. He is often called upon to help the main characters in their quests, using his knowledge of the Great Machine to aid them in their endeavors.

Zathras is known for his quirky personality and his unique way of speaking. He often provides comic relief in the show, but he also offers insights into the show’s deeper themes and plotlines.

Overall, Zathras is a beloved character in the Babylon 5 universe, and his quotes and mannerisms have become iconic among fans of the show.

Zathras Quotes on Life and Purpose

The One and The Great Machine

Zathras was a wise and enigmatic character from the science fiction television series Babylon 5. He was known for his philosophical musings and his unique perspective on life and purpose. One of his most famous quotes is, “It is The One.” This phrase refers to the concept of a higher power or divine force that guides and directs the universe. Zathras believed that everything in the universe was connected and that there was a greater purpose to life that we could not fully understand.

Zathras was also deeply connected to the Great Machine on Epsilon III. He believed that the machine was a powerful tool that could be used to bring about great change in the universe. He often spoke of the machine in reverential terms, referring to it as a sacred object that must be protected and revered.

Love and Relationships

Zathras had a unique perspective on love and relationships. He believed that love was a powerful force that could transcend time and space. He often spoke of the importance of finding someone to share your life with and the joy that comes from being in a loving relationship.

However, Zathras also understood the pain and heartache that can come from love. He knew that relationships could be difficult and that sometimes love can lead to loss and grief. Despite this, he believed that love was always worth pursuing, even if it meant taking risks and facing difficult challenges.

Death and Home

Zathras had a deep understanding of death and the concept of home. He believed that death was a natural part of life and that it was something that we should not fear. He often spoke of the importance of accepting death and embracing it as a part of the natural cycle of life.

Zathras also had a unique perspective on the concept of home. He believed that home was not a physical place, but rather a state of mind. He often spoke of the importance of finding a sense of belonging and connection in the universe, and of creating a home within oneself.

In conclusion, Zathras was a wise and insightful character who had a unique perspective on life and purpose. His quotes on The One, the Great Machine, love, relationships, death, and home offer valuable insights into the human experience and can help us to better understand ourselves and our place in the universe.

Zathras Quotes on War and Peace

Zathras is a beloved character from the science fiction television series Babylon 5. He is known for his enigmatic and cryptic quotes that often contain deep wisdom. In this section, we will explore some of Zathras’ most memorable quotes on war and peace.

The Rule

Zathras often speaks of “The One,” a mysterious entity that guides his actions. He believes that The One has a plan for everyone, and that it is his duty to follow that plan. In one of his quotes, Zathras says, “It is The One. The One who is the beginning and the end. The One who creates and destroys. The One who brings war and peace. The One who guides us all.”


Zathras also speaks of the honor of serving others. He believes that it is his duty to help those in need, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness. In one of his quotes, Zathras says, “Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other people’s needs. Very sad life. Probably have… very sad death. But… at least there is Symmetry.”

Pain, Fear, and Wisdom

Zathras believes that pain and fear are necessary for growth and wisdom. He often speaks of the importance of facing one’s fears and learning from one’s mistakes. In one of his quotes, Zathras says, “Great war. Terrible war. Much killings. Everyone fighting. A great darkness. It is the end of everything. Great war. But, great hope of peace. Need place. So they tell me. Must have. Or it is the end of all. The One tells us to go, we go. We live for The One. We would die for The One. through time to save us all.”

Zathras’ quotes on war and peace are full of deep wisdom and insight. He believes in serving others, following The One’s plan, and facing one’s fears. These are all valuable lessons that can help us navigate the complexities of life.

Zathras Quotes on History and Symmetry

Zathras, a recurring character on the science fiction television series Babylon 5, is known for his unique perspective on history and the concept of symmetry. Here are some of his most memorable quotes on these topics:

Babylon 4

Zathras played a key role in the Babylon 4 storyline, and his quotes on this topic reflect his deep understanding of the station’s history. He said, “Babylon 4. Zathras built it to help save us all. But Babylon 4 gone, yes. Passed away. Dead. And now all alone. No one to play with. No one to talk to. But Zathras keeps Babylon 5 running. Keeps Babylon 5 safe. Babylon 5 important. Without Babylon 5, no place to go. No place to go.”

Past and Future

Zathras also had a unique perspective on the relationship between the past and the future. He said, “The past tempts us, the present confuses us, and the future frightens us. And our lives slip away, moment by moment, lost in that vast, terrible in-between. But there is still time to seize that one last, fragile moment. To choose something better, to make a difference.”


One of Zathras’ most famous quotes is about the concept of symmetry. He said, “Great war. Terrible war. Much killings. Everyone fighting. A great darkness. It is the end of everything. Great war. But, great hope of peace. Need place. So they tell me. Must have. Or it is the end of all. The One tells us to go, we go. We live for The One. We would die for The One. But we are not alone. Many ships, many races, old and new. All have knowledge. Fear, and death. But, also hope. And wisdom. That is why you are here. Not because you are part of the war, but because you can end it.”


The quotes mentioned above are from various episodes of Babylon 5, including “War Without End, Part One” and “The Hour of the Wolf.” Zathras’ unique perspective on history and symmetry has made him a fan favorite, and his quotes continue to be shared and discussed by fans of the show.

Zathras Quotes on Crisis Management and Leadership

Zathras may seem like a simple character, but his wisdom on crisis management and leadership is profound. Here are some of his notable quotes on the subject.

Captain John Sheridan

Zathras was quick to recognize Captain Sheridan’s leadership skills, and he had this to say about him: “Captain Sheridan is a good man. He is strong, but he is also fair. He knows how to lead, and he knows how to make tough decisions.”

Dr. Stephen Franklin

Zathras saw Dr. Franklin’s potential as a leader, and he had this to say about him: “Dr. Franklin is a good man. He cares about his patients, and he knows how to make tough decisions. He has the potential to be a great leader.”


Zathras recognized Marcus’s bravery and leadership skills, and he had this to say about him: “Marcus is a brave man. He is not afraid to take risks, and he knows how to lead. He has the potential to be a great leader.”


Zathras saw Zack’s potential as a leader, and he had this to say about him: “Zack is a good man. He is loyal, and he knows how to follow orders. He has the potential to be a great leader.”

Crisis Management

Zathras had this to say about crisis management: “In crisis management, you must be quick with the facts and slow with the blame. You must also be willing to make tough decisions, even if they are unpopular. And most importantly, you must be willing to take responsibility for your actions.”

Zathras also recognized the importance of hope in crisis management: “In a crisis, you must have hope. Without hope, there is no reason to fight. And without a reason to fight, there is no hope.”

In conclusion, Zathras may be a simple character, but his wisdom on crisis management and leadership is invaluable. His quotes serve as a reminder that leadership is not just about making tough decisions, but also about being fair, brave, and loyal.

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