Home » Forrest Fenn Quotes: Wisdom and Inspiration from the Renowned Art Dealer and Adventurer

Forrest Fenn Quotes: Wisdom and Inspiration from the Renowned Art Dealer and Adventurer

Forrest Fenn, an American art dealer, author, and retired United States Air Force pilot, is best known for his treasure hunt. In 2010, Fenn hid a treasure chest filled with gold and other valuable items somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. He then released a poem containing clues to the treasure’s location, sparking a nationwide search for the elusive treasure. However, Fenn’s quotes have garnered just as much attention as the treasure hunt itself.

Fenn’s quotes are often cryptic and open to interpretation, leaving many to wonder if they contain hidden clues to the treasure’s location. Some of his most famous quotes include “Begin it where warm waters halt,” “Not far, but too far to walk,” and “If you’ve been wise and found the blaze.” These quotes have been analyzed and dissected by treasure hunters for years, with many believing they hold the key to finding the treasure. However, Fenn has stated that the quotes are simply meant to inspire and encourage people to get outside and explore nature.

Forrest Fenn and the Treasure Hunt

Forrest Fenn is a retired art dealer who gained notoriety for hiding a valuable treasure chest filled with gold nuggets, jewelry, and other precious items somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. The treasure hunt began in 2010 when Fenn published a poem containing nine clues that he claimed would lead to the treasure’s location. Since then, thousands of people have attempted to solve the mystery and find the treasure, but it remained hidden until 2020 when it was finally discovered.

The Treasure Chest

The treasure chest, which is said to be worth millions of dollars, was hidden by Fenn as a way to inspire people to get out and explore nature. The chest itself is a 12th-century Romanesque lockbox made of bronze with a hinged lid and a latch. It is said to be filled with gold coins, nuggets, and other valuable items, including emeralds and diamonds.

The Poem

The poem that Fenn published contains nine clues that are supposed to lead to the treasure’s location. The poem is written in a cryptic style, and Fenn has said that it took him 15 years to write. The poem begins with the line, “As I have gone alone in there,” and ends with the line, “And with my treasures bold, I can keep my secret where, and hint of riches new and old.” The poem contains references to geography, history, and knowledge that are supposed to help solve the puzzle.

Many people have attempted to solve the poem, but only a few have come close to finding the treasure. Fenn has said that he hid the treasure in a spot that is not dangerous, and that it is located somewhere in the Rocky Mountains north of Santa Fe.

In conclusion, the Forrest Fenn treasure hunt has captured the imagination of thousands of people around the world. While the treasure has now been found, the mystery and intrigue surrounding the quest will continue to fascinate people for years to come.

The Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountains are a mountain range that spans over 3,000 miles from British Columbia in Canada to New Mexico in the United States. It is a popular destination for hikers, campers, and treasure hunters alike. Forrest Fenn, a former Vietnam War fighter pilot, was one of those treasure hunters who hid a treasure chest filled with gold and gems somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. He released a poem with clues to its location in 2010, and it took over a decade for someone to finally find it.


The Rocky Mountains are a part of the Western Cordillera system of mountain ranges in North America. They are known for their rugged terrain, high peaks, and diverse wildlife. The range is divided into three main regions: the Northern Rockies, the Central Rockies, and the Southern Rockies. The Rocky Mountains are also home to several national parks, including Yellowstone National Park and Rocky Mountain National Park.


Wyoming is a state in the Western United States that is home to a significant portion of the Rocky Mountains. It is where Yellowstone National Park is located, which is a popular destination for tourists and treasure hunters alike. Forrest Fenn has mentioned Wyoming several times in his quotes, stating that it is one of the four states where the treasure chest could be located.


Yellowstone National Park is a national park located primarily in Wyoming, but also extending into Montana and Idaho. It is known for its geothermal features, including the famous Old Faithful geyser. Forrest Fenn has mentioned Yellowstone in several of his quotes, hinting that the treasure chest may be located in or near the park.

Santa Fe

Santa Fe is the capital city of the state of New Mexico and is located in the Southern Rockies region of the Rocky Mountains. Forrest Fenn, who lived in Santa Fe for many years, has mentioned the city in several of his quotes, stating that the treasure chest is located somewhere in the Rocky Mountains north of Santa Fe. He has also stated that the treasure chest is not located in a mine, a graveyard, or near a structure.

Overall, the Rocky Mountains are a vast and beautiful region that has captured the imaginations of many, including treasure hunters like Forrest Fenn. While the treasure chest has been found, the allure of the Rocky Mountains and the mystery surrounding its hidden treasures will continue to draw adventurers to the region for years to come.

The Clues

Clues in the Poem

Forrest Fenn’s treasure hunt is based on a poem he wrote that contains nine clues to the location of the treasure chest. The poem is titled “The Thrill of the Chase” and is included in his memoir of the same name. Fenn has stated that the poem is straightforward and that the clues are in consecutive order.

First Two Clues

Fenn has said that many searchers have figured out the first two clues in the poem but have not been able to solve the rest. He has also stated that the clues are difficult but not impossible to solve.

Where Warm Waters Halt

The first clue in the poem is “Begin it where warm waters halt.” Fenn has said that this clue is crucial and that if you can’t figure it out, you don’t have anything. He has also stated that the clue is not related to any dam.

The Blaze

Another important clue in the poem is “If you’ve been wise and found the blaze.” Fenn has described the blaze as a physical thing that you can see. He has also said that it is not a clue that can be solved from home and that you need to be on location to find it.

Starting Point

Fenn has said that the starting point for the treasure hunt is “where warm waters halt.” He has also stated that the treasure chest is located in the Rocky Mountains north of Santa Fe, New Mexico, and that it is not in a dangerous place.

In summary, the poem contains nine clues that are in consecutive order and difficult but not impossible to solve. The first two clues have been figured out by many searchers, but the rest remain a mystery. The first clue is “Begin it where warm waters halt,” and the blaze is a physical thing that can be seen on location. The starting point for the treasure hunt is where warm waters halt, and the treasure chest is located in the Rocky Mountains north of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The Searchers

Dal Neitzel

Dal Neitzel is a well-known searcher who has been hunting for Forrest Fenn’s treasure since 2011. He has been an active member of the search community and has shared his experiences and insights on his blog, “Thrill of the Chase.”


Many searchers have come up with different solutions to the clues in Forrest Fenn’s poem. Some have focused on the geography of the Rocky Mountains, while others have looked to historical events or landmarks for guidance. Despite the many theories, the treasure remains unfound.


The search for Forrest Fenn’s treasure has attracted a diverse group of people, from amateur adventurers to experienced hikers. Some have spent years searching for the treasure, while others have only recently joined the hunt. The search has also inspired creative solutions, such as using drones or underwater cameras to explore areas that are difficult to access.

Overall, the search for Forrest Fenn’s treasure has captured the imagination of many searchers, who continue to explore the Rocky Mountains in search of the elusive chest. While the hunt has yet to yield any definitive results, the searchers remain committed to the quest, driven by the thrill of the chase and the hope of discovering the treasure.

The Adventure

Forrest Fenn’s treasure hunt has captured the imagination of thousands of people around the world. The thrill of the chase, the excitement of exploring the Rocky Mountains, and the possibility of discovering a treasure chest filled with gold and precious jewels have all contributed to the allure of this adventure.

Exploring the Mountains

For many searchers, the adventure begins with exploring the vast expanse of the Rocky Mountains. Fenn’s poem provides nine clues that lead to the location of the treasure chest, and deciphering these clues requires a keen sense of observation and a willingness to explore the wilderness.

The mountains can be a treacherous place, and searchers must be prepared for all kinds of weather conditions. From scorching heat to freezing cold, the Rocky Mountains can be unpredictable, and searchers must be equipped with the right gear to stay safe and comfortable.

The Thrill of the Chase

The thrill of the chase is what keeps many searchers motivated to continue their quest for the treasure. The idea of discovering a hidden treasure chest is a dream come true for many people, and the possibility of finding it in the rugged terrain of the Rocky Mountains only adds to the excitement.

The hunt for the treasure has become a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for adventure and exploration. The camaraderie among searchers is one of the most rewarding aspects of the treasure hunt, and many lifelong friendships have been formed as a result of this shared experience.

Playing a Hunch

Deciphering Fenn’s poem requires a combination of logic, intuition, and creativity. Many searchers have found success by playing a hunch or following their gut instincts. Fenn has said that the treasure is hidden in a place that is special to him, and searchers must use their ingenuity to figure out where that might be.

Some searchers have even used advanced technology, such as drones and satellite imagery, to aid in their search. However, Fenn has stated that the treasure can be found with a map and a good knowledge of geography.

In conclusion, the adventure of the treasure hunt is what draws many searchers to the Rocky Mountains. Exploring the wilderness, experiencing the thrill of the chase, and playing a hunch are all part of the excitement of this quest. With perseverance and a little bit of luck, the treasure chest may one day be found.

The Treasure

Forrest Fenn’s treasure chest has been the subject of much intrigue and speculation since its discovery in 2010. The chest, which was hidden somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, is said to contain a wealth of treasures, including gold, jewels, ancient jewelry, coins, and other precious items. Here, we take a closer look at what’s in the chest and the value of the treasure.

What’s in the Chest

According to Forrest Fenn, the chest is filled with over $1 million worth of treasure. The exact contents of the chest have not been revealed, but Fenn has stated that it contains a mix of gold coins, gold nuggets, and other valuable items. Some of the items that are believed to be in the chest include:

  • Gold coins from the 1800s
  • Pre-Columbian gold figures
  • Ancient Chinese jade carvings
  • Emeralds
  • Rubies
  • Diamonds
  • Antique jewelry

Fenn has also stated that the chest contains a copy of his autobiography, which he has said contains clues to the treasure’s location.

The Value of the Treasure

The value of the treasure in the chest is difficult to determine, as it is largely dependent on the current market value of gold and other precious metals. However, it is estimated that the chest contains around 20-22 pounds of gold, which alone would be worth over $500,000 at current market prices.

In addition to the gold, the chest also contains a number of valuable jewels and other items, which could add significantly to its overall value. Some experts have estimated that the chest could be worth as much as $2-3 million in total.

Despite the high value of the treasure, Fenn has stated that the real value of the chest lies in the adventure and the challenge of finding it. He has said that he hopes the treasure will inspire people to get out and explore the wilderness, and that the thrill of the hunt is what makes the treasure so valuable.

Overall, the treasure chest is a fascinating and mysterious artifact, filled with valuable items and hidden somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. While the chest has now been found, the story of its discovery and the thrill of the hunt will continue to capture the imaginations of treasure hunters and adventurers for years to come.

The Dangers

Dangerous Places

Forrest Fenn has always emphasized the importance of safety in the search for his treasure chest. He has said that the chest is not in a dangerous place, but many searchers have still put themselves in harm’s way by searching in risky locations, such as cliff sides and raging waters. The New Mexico State Police have even had to rescue a few searchers who found themselves in dangerous situations while searching for the treasure.

It’s important to note that Forrest Fenn has repeatedly stated that the treasure is not hidden in a dangerous place. If you’re planning on searching for the treasure, make sure to prioritize your safety and avoid any areas that could put you in harm’s way.

The Hoax

There have been rumors circulating that Forrest Fenn’s treasure is a hoax, and that the treasure chest doesn’t actually exist. However, Forrest Fenn has provided numerous pieces of evidence to prove that the treasure is real, including photos of the chest and the items inside.

While it’s understandable to be skeptical, it’s important to consider all the evidence before jumping to conclusions. Forrest Fenn has been very clear that the treasure is real, and many searchers have dedicated years of their lives to finding it.

The Newsweek Article

In 2020, Newsweek published an article claiming that Forrest Fenn’s treasure had been found in Texas. However, Forrest Fenn himself has not confirmed this, and many searchers believe that the article is a hoax.

It’s important to take any news about the treasure with a grain of salt, especially if it’s not coming directly from Forrest Fenn himself. Until Forrest Fenn confirms that the treasure has been found, it’s still out there waiting to be discovered.

In conclusion, while there are certainly dangers associated with searching for Forrest Fenn’s treasure, it’s important to approach the search with caution and prioritize your safety. Don’t believe everything you hear about the treasure, and always consider the source of any news or information before taking it as fact.

Forrest Fenn Quotes

Forrest Fenn was known for his intriguing quotes, which often left people guessing and searching for hidden meanings. Here are a few of his most notable quotes:

  • “I cannot tell you how many emails I’ve had that say, ‘I know where the treasure is, I’ve solved the poem, but I need $10,000 to go get it.’ That’s not the way it’s going to happen.” This quote shows Fenn’s skepticism towards people who claim to have solved the clues to his treasure hunt but are not willing to put in the effort to find it themselves.

  • “I’m not flippant about this. It’s not something somebody is going to be able to do on spring break or a Sunday afternoon picnic. I’m looking a hundred years down the road, maybe a thousand years down the road. People don’t understand that.” Fenn emphasizes the difficulty and significance of the treasure hunt, which he intended to be a lifelong adventure.

  • “I don’t know that anybody has told me the clues in the right order. I think they’ve identified most of the places that I would have liked to have died, but I don’t think anybody has put it together all the way.” This quote reveals Fenn’s belief that nobody has yet solved the clues to his treasure hunt, despite many claims and theories.

  • “The treasure is still out there, but it’s getting harder to find.” Fenn acknowledges that the treasure hunt has become more challenging over time, as more and more people have searched for it and some areas have been closed off due to safety concerns.

Overall, Fenn’s quotes provide insight into his perspective on the treasure hunt and the people who have attempted to solve it. They also add to the intrigue and mystery surrounding the hunt, which continues to captivate people’s imaginations.


Forrest Fenn’s treasure hunt has been a popular topic for many years, and there are several resources available for those who want to learn more about it. Here are some of the best resources available:

Maps and Geography

One of the most important resources for treasure hunters is maps. Forrest Fenn has said that the treasure is hidden somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, so having a good understanding of the geography of the area is crucial. There are several maps available online that can be helpful for treasure hunters. The most popular maps include topographical maps, satellite maps, and street maps.

Blogs and Web Resources

There are several blogs and websites dedicated to the Forrest Fenn treasure hunt. These resources can be helpful for those who want to learn more about the hunt, get tips from other treasure hunters, or share their own experiences. Some of the most popular blogs and websites include:

  • Fenn’s Treasure
  • The Thrill of the Chase
  • Forrest Fenn Treasure

Forrest Fenn’s Memoir

Forrest Fenn’s memoir, “The Thrill of the Chase,” is one of the most important resources for treasure hunters. The book contains clues to the location of the treasure, as well as stories and anecdotes from Forrest Fenn’s life. Many treasure hunters believe that the key to finding the treasure is hidden somewhere within the pages of the book.

In conclusion, there are several resources available for those who want to learn more about the Forrest Fenn treasure hunt. Maps and geography, blogs and websites, and Forrest Fenn’s memoir are all important resources that can be helpful for treasure hunters.

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